
EP Series

The EP Series generators, equipped with Perkins engines, deliver a robust power range of 6 to 2250 kVA. Renowned for their reliability and durability, these Perkins engine generator are ideal for various applications, whether as a primary continuous power source or a rapid emergency backup.

Designed to meet the diverse demands of different projects, the EP Series provides versatile solutions tailored to specific working conditions. PowerLink ensures that investors receive products that effectively address various application needs, whether for industrial, commercial, or critical infrastructure environments.

EP Series
EP Series
EP Series
Commited to Service

Modular Structure
Compact and easy to transport

Commited to Service

Quick to move and install

Commited to Service

Simple plug-and-play operation

Commited to Service

Strong output in harsh conditions


Blue Tech ECO Products


Strict Test

CE Certification

IS0 Certification

Low Noise Design

Diesel Generators in the same EP Series

Compliance with standards Emission standard Genset Brand Genset Model Voltage PRP ESP Engine Model Engine Brand Specifications
CE Tire 3 Powerlink WPS10S 400 9 7 10 8 403D-11G Perkins 403D-11G perkins engine generator
CE Tire 3 Powerlink WPS13S 400 13 10 14 11 403D-15G Perkins 403D-15G generator perkins engine
CE Non Powerlink WPS15S 400 15 12 17 13 403A-15G2 Perkins 403A-15G2 perkins generator
CE Tire 3 Powerlink WPS20S 400 20 16 22 18 404D-22G Perkins 404D-22G perkins diesel generator
CE Non Powerlink WPS30S 400 30 24 33 26 1103A-33G Perkins 1103A-33G perkins diesel generator
CE Non Powerlink WPS45S 400 45 36 50 40 1103A-33TG1 Perkins 1103A-33TG1 perkins diesel generator
CE Non Powerlink WPS60S 400 60 48 66 53 1103A-33TG2 Perkins 1103A-33TG2 perkins diesel generators
CE Non Powerlink WPS80S 400 80 64 88 70 1104A-44TG2 Perkins 1104A-44TG2
CE Tire 2 Powerlink WPS100S 400 100 80 110 88 1104C-44TAG2 Perkins 1104C-44TAG2
CE Non Powerlink WPS135S 400 135 108 150 120 1106A-70TG1 Perkins 1106A-70TG1
CE Non Powerlink WPS150BS 400 150 120 165 132 1106A-70TAG2 Perkins 1106A-70TAG2
CE Non Powerlink WPS180BS 400 180 144 198 158 1106A-70TAG3 Perkins 1106A-70TAG3
CE Non Powerlink WPS200BS 400 200 160 220 176 1106A-70TAG4 Perkins 1106A-70TAG4
CE Non Powerlink WPS250S 400 250 200 275 220 1206A-E70TTAG3 Perkins 1206A-E70TTAG3
CE Non Powerlink WPS300S 400 300 240 330 264 1706A-E93TAG1 Perkins 1706A-E93TAG1
CE Tire 2 Powerlink WPS350S 400 350 280 385 308 2206C-E13TAG2 Perkins 2206C-E13TAG2
CE Tire 2 Powerlink WPS400S 400 400 320 440 352 2206C-E13TAG3 Perkins 2206C-E13TAG3
CE Tire 2 Powerlink WPS450S 400 450 360 495 396 2506C-E15TAG1 Perkins 2506C-E15TAG1
CE Tire 2 Powerlink WPS500S 400 500 400 550 440 2506C-E15TAG2 Perkins 2506C-E15TAG2
CE Tire 2 Powerlink WPS600S 400 600 480 660 528 2806C-E18TAG1A Perkins 2806C-E18TAG1A
CE Non Powerlink WPS650S 400 650 520 700 560 2806A-E18TAG2 Perkins 2806A-E18TAG2
CE Non Powerlink WPS750S 400 771 617 850 678 2806A-E18TTAG5 Perkins 2806A-E18TTAG5
CE Non Powerlink WPS725S 400 725 580 798 638 4006-23TAG2A Perkins 4006-23TAG2A
CE Non Powerlink WPS800S 400 800 640 880 704 4006-23TAG3A Perkins 4006-23TAG3A
CE Non Powerlink WPS900S 400 900 720 990 792 4008TAG1A Perkins 4008TAG1A
CE Non Powerlink WPS1000S 400 1000 800 1100 880 4008TAG2 Perkins 4008TAG2
CE Non Powerlink WPS1125S 400 1125 900 1250 1000 4008-30TAG3 Perkins 4008-30TAG3
CE Non Powerlink WPS1250S 400 1250 1000 1375 1100 4012-46TWG2A Perkins 4012-46TWG2A
CE Non Powerlink WPS1500S 400 1500 1200 1650 1320 4012-46TAG2A Perkins 4012-46TAG2A
CE Non Powerlink WPS1710S 400 1710 1368 1881 1505 4012-46TAG3A Perkins 4012-46TAG3A
CE Non Powerlink WPS1850S 400 1850 1480 2035 1628 4016-61TRG1 Perkins 4016-61TRG1
CE Non Powerlink WPS2000S 400 2000 1600 2200 1760 4016-61TRG2 Perkins 4016-61TRG2
CE Non Powerlink WPS2250S 400 2250 1800 2500 2000 4016-61TRG3 Perkins 4016-61TRG3

Selected Applications

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